Connect with pre-screened Software Developers that are a fit for your role
Connect with pre-screened Software Developers that are a fit for your role
The subjective nature of current application processes have been shown to be biased, and capable candidates are consistently overlooked.
Candidly's objective approach to sourcing and screening unlocks the hidden talent by removing bias from the process.
The subjective nature of current application processes have been shown to be biased, and capable candidates are consistently overlooked.
Candidly's objective approach to sourcing and screening unlocks the hidden talent by removing bias from the process.
Candidly instantly presents suitable Software Developers with the key details of your roles, along with your company profile. Through our mobile app, candidates are able to review and apply to your role with the click of a button.
We pride ourselves on only providing skilled Software Developers that have the highest potential fit for your role based on programming skills, capability and preferences. You only pay for candidates that you qualify as meeting this criteria.
Each Software Developer on Candidly comes with an easy-to-read skills profile, enabling you to quickly assess their programming skills and experience. Once reviewed, you can easily access their resume for further detail, and either Connect or Decline the candidate to signal your decision on fit.
Zero-bias screening is Candidly's commitment to create equal opportunity for every skilled Software Developer who is a fit for a role. Candidly protects the identity of every candidate during the screening process so that each profile is considered objectively based solely on their ability to fulfil the role.
Candidly is a company whose values align with ours and their innovative way of removing bias from the screening process will improve our processes with respect to talent acquisition in the Software Development space.
Candidly was an absolute pleasure to work with. They understood where we were at in our startup journey, and their blind recommendations gave us peace of mind that our decision was based on skills rather than personal bias.
Candidly made sourcing Software Developers extremely easy, providing me with multiple qualified candidates in a short amount of time. Their platform allows developers to showcase their skills, and their user-friendly interface made it easy to quickly identify star candidates for niche roles.
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