The first personal talent agent for Software Developers that connects you with the roles you want
Candidly was developed to work for Software Developers by monitoring the job market, identifying roles of interest and presenting their application directly to Recruiters.
The application process is flawed and difficult to navigate and most Software Developers state that they have had a poor experience.
Candidly was developed to work for Software Developers by monitoring the job market, identifying roles of interest and presents their application directly to Recruiters.
Whether you’re inundated with roles, or you haven’t come across any that suit, we make it easy to find the jobs you’re looking for by only presenting you with those roles that match your programming skills and job preferences, as soon as they become available on Candidly.
Software Developers are tired of being ghosted when applying for jobs. Candidly commits to providing meaningful feedback on every role to help you to improve your chances on future applications.
If you have ever applied for a job, you will know that you have to customize your resume for each role just to increase your chances of getting noticed. With Candidly, your profile does all of the work for you so you only need one resume for all applications.
Zero-bias screening is Candidly's commitment to create equal opportunity for every skilled Software Developer who is a fit for a role. Candidly protects your identity during the initial screening process so that you’re only considered based on your ability to do the job.
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